Top 1000 Short Films

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Jonathan Rosenbaum 1000
Brief Encounters
Cinecouch's Essential Films


Buster Keaton, Edward F. Cline

1922|USA|18 min|BW|Live Action

- Appear to be on duty.

Seven Chances, by Buster Keaton

A man is in distress,
	As he calls the police and the press.
He can't find his wife's dress,
	And the bedroom is a whole mess.
The police comes and cools down his stress,
	At least he is not in the public to undress.
The press comes and makes the story less,
	At least no one will be able to guess.
		But he still has much to confess,
			Or else he has to deal with the IRS,
				Oh, What a fine day to depress!


Cinecouch's Favorite


Stefan Schabenbeck

1969|Poland|7 min|BW|Animation

- An answer with no question.

Film Philosophy/Social Commentary
The Tree of Life, by Terrence Malick

Point to dark,
	Aim at life,
		Shoot at will.
			You have travelled far,
			You have suffered scar,
			You have dreamed of star.
	Where will it lead?
	When will it leap?
	What are you going to be?


Annecy 100
Cinecouch's Essential Films

A Colour Box

Len Lye

A Colour Box
1935|UK|3 min|Col|Animation

- Jubilant free-spirit.

Experimental/Visual Music
, by

The dance club is closing in five minutes,
	People are scrambling up and down,
		Left and right,
			In and out,
				Rough and tumble.
The dance club is closing in three minutes,
	People are finding themselves,
		Clothing themselves,
			Helping themselves,
The dance club is closing in one minute,
	Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue.


Brief Encounters

An Impossible Voyage
(Le voyage à travers l'impossible)

Georges Méliès

An Impossible Voyage
1904|France|24 min|Col|Live Action/Anim

- Around the world in 1 day.

Kon-Tiki, by Thor Heyerdahl

We camp outside and eat rocks,
	We run by foot and wear no socks,
		We read clouds and talk stocks.

Yesterday we were caught,
	Today we are bought,
		Tomorrow we will be docked.

Life is good on the road,
	There is nothing more to be owed,
		When you play along with the clock.


Cinecouch's Essential Films
Cinecouch's Favorite

Heavenly Puss

Joseph Barbera, William Hanna

Heavenly Puss
1949|USA|8 min|Col|Animation

- Tom and no Jerry.

The Wizard of Oz, by Victor Fleming

A man wants to buy a ticket,
			But is told he can't pick it.
This is out of his limit,
He thinks,
			There is no chance for another visit.
After a slight minute,
He is given a half-ticket,
To the city of Wicked.
			Holy spirit!
			He better tick it,
			Or else, he will never make it!


TSPDT 1000
Brief Encounters
Cinecouch's Essential Films


René Clair

1924|France|22 min|BW|Live Action

- Between history and now.

Dreams That Money Can Buy, by Hans Richter

			      The man was shot to death at noon,
			But the body is nowhere to be found.
		It was seen - the shot was too soon,
	That it barely hit off the ground.
The band marches and bites on the tune,
But the man was dead.
	His body swelled like a balloon,
		Yet he continues to tread.
			Women are preparing for June,
				no one noticed the dead.
But out from the dune, he arrived at noon, never making a sound.


Cinecouch's Essential Films
Cinecouch's Favorite

Little Nemo

Winsor McCay, J. Stuart Blackton

Little Nemo
1911|USA|7 min|BW|Animation/Live Action

- Reality at 7.

Comedy/Interactive Film
The Princess Bride, by Rob Reiner

	Watch this ____,
	Then you will get the ____ of what it is about.
	But __________,
	You could skip a few _____,
	And still be able to _________ the meaning.
	We are more _______ than we think we are,
	And most people don't even _______ it.
	Don't _______ me?
	Read this ____,
	From _________ to end,
	Then you will __________ what I mean.


Flowers and Trees

Walt Disney, Burt Gillett

Flowers and Trees
1932|USA|8 min|Col|Animation

- Human and Human.

Family Comedy/Surrealism
My Neighbor Totoro, by Hayao Miyazaki

	|			    |
	|			    |
	|			    |
	|			    |
	|		Humans	    |
	|		And	    |
	|		Humans	    |


Brief Encounters
Cinecouch's Essential Films
Cinecouch's Favorite

...A Valparaíso

Joris Ivens

A Valparaiso
1963|France|Chile|27 min|BW/Col|Liv-Ac

- Vignettes of faces.

Travelogue/Film Rhapsody
, by

A warm day,
	Some eyes are looking this way,
		You ought to say hey!
		But wait,
		The girls are away,
			Till late in May.
		What should you say,
			In such a warm day?
To think is to delay,
	Might as well go for a lay,
		Before the tides turn away.


Cinecouch's Essential Films
Cinecouch's Favorite

New Book
(Nowa ksiazka)

Zbigniew Rybczynski

Nowa ksiazka
1979|Poland|10 min|Col|Live Action

- Focus on your distractions.

Timecode, by Mike Figgis

Reality is disconnected:
		A car is running,
		A man is walking,
		A ball is bouncing,
		A kid is playing,
		A car is running..oops,