Top 1000 Short Films
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Under Yesteryear’s Snow
(Padal proshlogodniy sneg)
Aleksandr Tatarskiy

- The holiday in everyday.
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Not Every Moon Has a Kitchen Not Every Rabbit Has a Vision But Every Man Cooks His Pigeon

Pass the Gravy
Leo McCarey, Fred Guiol

- What a chicken! ...turkey.
Comedy/Social Satire
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He sprays it straight to his palm. I've been doing this for 20 years! He yells at his wife, Whom apparently is looking, Both pale and at his knife. He sprays it again to his palm. You see! It smells good. It tastes good. It sounds good. But his wife thinks otherwise, For nobody is going to steal any time out of her life.

Marcell Jankovics

- Ear's orgasm.
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I can't hear anything, There are no earplugs in, I must be deaf, Tried working too hard on my ears. ...It must be a rock.

Garri Bardin

- Gently smashing!
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A man walks into a shop, And ask for new pair of eyes, For his newly-installed top. There are Brown Blue Green Hazel Magenta and Black, But he walks out with none, As he can't see any what he has done.

Street Musique
Ryan Larkin

- Colorful neighborhood brushed on.
Visual Music/Avant-garde
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I saw her legs, Jostling through a crowd, With nothing but a bag of eggs. I saw the color bursting, From her hand To her hip and its tag, I saw the brave life, From the egg To her neck and its gag. I saw almost everything, Except the eggs and the legs.

Alone. Life Wastes Andy Hardy
Martin Arnold

- Poor kid alone in time.
Experimental/Film Collage
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It is futile to try to escape from loneliness, B u t, One can learn to understand how others are just like you.

The Bead Game
Ishu Patel

- Pixle before Pixar.
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Tiny it was Shiny it became Icy it melt Pricy it went Guess a bead? Guess a stone? Guess a marble or a jewel on the throne? Nothing escapes That shines to each his own.

Home of Electricity
(Rodina elektrichestva;
Beginning of An Unknown Era, Part II)
Larisa Shepitko

- Mechanism into the future.
History/Ideal Realism
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Hunger Is An in credi ble bond, An ever lasting sign, In the hi story of monde. It lights up a path to the future, Where no man stands to his junior, When the brain is being held back, When the train is thrown into old wreck. Let it rain! It won't cure hunger, but the fear of what is to come.
Wool in the Snow [aka The Snowman]
Hermína Týrlová

- Wool fumbling the cool.
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Red hot snow, Falling on your cheeks. Your skin melts, Then it speaks. "Wintertime, Win her time." "Bathe in the snow, Sit and drink it slow." "Towards the tilting side, Towards the milking bride." And the wind blows, "Oh the wind blows," Oh and every memory goes.

A Movie
Bruce Conner

- Allota Movies.
Film Collage/Avant-garde
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Man I, What a... Tell me, what.. That That Yes, I can't fu... I can't fu... Well, where do I... Did you just...? Oh, man.. Oooo...