Top 1000 Short Films
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The Seine Meets Paris
(La Seine a rencontré Paris)
Joris Ivens

- Paris a la mode.
Film Poetry/Documentary
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The slender figures, Of the curves of the streets and rivers, Reflect my secret hivers. Frozen waters, Thawing in my walk, From tilt top to shimmers. Black and white mirrors, Set up those memorable shivers, on the boats of those misters. The pier is about to take off, And take down those dreamers.

The Bread and Alley
(Nan va Koutcheh)
Abbas Kiarostami

- Folly in jolly alley.
Curious Cinema
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Random morning, Not much to do, Except eating up those warnings. Slow afternoon, Not much to see, Unless one mistakes the sun for moon. Luminous night, Much to do, Much to see, But to snap that you just might Stay up until the next morning.

Ed Emshwiller

- Living the death.
Macabre Cinema/Avant-garde
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Oh you wake up, From a sting of life, To a string of strife. And to look ahead? Blank space is lit by night, Empty shell is lifted by kites. You no longer feel the need for dreaming, For whatever eludes from the dark, Is truly the essence of living.

Dojoji Temple
Kihachiro Kawamoto

- The exit from within.
Mythology/Psychological Thriller
Kaidan, by Masaki Kobayashi
fear when the bell rings when the ring bells when she rings when bell rings on him when he bells when he should have rung when he should just run cant be found

Motion Painting No. 1
Oskar Fischinger

- The abstract expressionist goes to movies.
Visual Music/Avant-garde
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(Setting: Cafe) (Time: Early afternoon) (Weather: Very permitting) - What do you think of my coffee? Look at those circled lines. - Cinnamon buns are much better, they fade to the center. - You two are so out of date, it's going to rain pretty soon, just wait till you see the umbrellas. - Why should I wait if I could just have my coffee now? - Hmm, it tastes like last summer. - Oh you fools, slaves to your tongues. Umbrellas spin off the rain and, moves your ears to where your eyes live.

Serene Velocity
Ernie Gehr

- The morning of "technical advance"ment.
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It is said It is rather difficult To nap when It is just dark enough that It is close to night time. It isn't said (however that) It isn't too easy To sleep when It isn't yet noon that It isn't anywhere near your bed.

The Deadman
Peggy Ahwesh, Keith Sanborn

- Release yourself in a vending machine.
Surreal Eroticism/Mystery
Eyes Wide Shut, by Stanley Kubrick
There are three ways to deal with your boyfriend's body: Leave it alone at night; Put it in a refrigerator; or, Leave it to another woman. But don't leave it alone at night when it's warm; don't put it in a refrigerator when it's cold; And don't leave it to another woman when it's both. Remember the rules - Now you can have fun!

Hôtel des Invalides
Georges Franju

- Museum of human stones.
Journey to Italy, by Roberto Rossellini
Cold steel, Seals the engine, By which we used to steal. History repeats, Not by itself, But to whoever has the treat. Memory of the past, Is to fight oneself, When nothing else last. Now the ice metal speaks, Melts your body, into the vast.

Boniface's Holiday
(Kanikuly Bonifatsiya)
Fyodor Khitruk

- Home within you.
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Far away Alone in a crowded city Close enough To an unfamiliar surrounding Tenacity Firmly breathe The air that fuels your body Home No longer a drift-away place But a take-away serenity

Gene Deitch

- The boy who wants to be a boy.
Political Satire
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A boy is looking for a refund, For his recent experience, At his glass-domed hedge fund. The man looks at him, And finds himself quivering, Over a sum of large glimmering. The boy shouts and smashes on his desk, The man freezes and sits on his mess. The boy stands up and leaves the door swinging, Back and forth - Back and forth The man dares not to stand up and finds himself crying and crying.