Top 1000 Short Films
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Norman McLaren

- World on the other side of the screen.
Social Satire/Experimental
Dr. Strangelove, by Stanley Kubrick
Bob went to his neighbour for some advice, on the removing of mice. His neighbour took a look, and asked for a very high price. Bob was upset, He thought neighbours should help each other, And a good heart alone would suffice. But the neighbour needed to pay off his debt, And thought neighbours should help each other, Especially when the situation ain't nice. And so, debt is still debt, and mice still mice.

The Metamorphosis of Mr. Samsa
Caroline Leaf

- Escapee from social prison.
Thriller/Social Satire
The Fly, by David Cronenberg
The toothpaste is turning green? Where am I? When is it? This is monday morning, isn't it? Or could it be evening? Someone is knocking the door, who is it? What do they want? Why should I open the door? Why can't they just stop and leave me alone? Where's my pajama? Where're my shoes? Why is my toothpaste turning green? Maybe I should go sleeping a little more? Or maybe the toothpaste is bad? Or my tooth? Or both?

Pas de deux
Norman McLaren

- Sculptural moving painting.
The Red Shoes, by Powell & Pressburger
I see your face, knit with lace. I see your lines, And my heart shines. I see your turns, And my desire burns. You see me, From a distance, Further than my existence. I see your face, That I can never erase.

The Cat Concerto
Joseph Barbera, William Hanna

- doigt de deux.
Family Comedy/Music
Amadeus, by Miloš Forman
Light hits on the spot, Two fight the spot like a knot, Winner takes all, Not!

A Quiet Week in the House
(Tichý týden v dome)
Jan Svankmajer

- The more you watch, the more you will understand about other films, but never this film itself.
Blood of a Poet, by Jean Cocteau
A couple went on vacation, After the break-up on their wedding celebration. Each booked a hotel room, For their vow of separation. At night, The bride peeked into the other's room, and saw her groom, putting on a girl's costume. Gloom is not enough to sense the doom, The bride went back to her room, Only to find, that the costume is her own.

(L'étoile de mer)
Man Ray

- Belle du rêve.
Belle du jour, by Luis Buñuel
The lamp dies off on the stairs, The lady dozes off on the scares, The man trips over her hairs, The tenant gives them stares. Cover your eyes! Listen to the cries! This is no time to compromise! As the stake is higher than the skies! Lights on! The clothes are left on the stairs. And the lamp will need some repairs.

The Hand
Jirí Trnka

- Flower of freedom.
Political Thriller
The Lives of Others, by F.H. von Donnersmarck
Liberty ( 1965 - 1965 ) "Magnificent journey begins with nothing."

The Bakery Girl of Monceau
(La boulangère de Monceau)
Eric Rohmer

- Ordinary love.
New Wave/Romance
Chungking Express, by Wong Kar-wai
ShehassuchacutesmileYoulookatherdirectionandseeherhairflowingby RememberthedateDontyouItisabeautifuldaywhenthebeautifulladyis- smilingatstrangersAndyoumustbethatstrangerDoyouOrwhatelsecould youdoReallySuchabeautifuldaytowasteonwalkingalongthestreetwith nopurposeinheadOrperhapsletyourheartguideyouthroughthejungleof modernlivinginparisWhatcouldbesaidaboutthecityandherwomenother thangoupandgrabonetothecoffeeshopForgetaboutthedateShewontshow upOryouwontshowupCestlavieLikethefrenchsaysLetyoureyesguideyou throughthejungleofmodernwomenrunningerrandsonthestreetdayinand dayoutLetyourmindandbodyflowtowardstheintersectionofspontaneous loveAndlovestreamslikeariverHittingitshighwaveatthemouthofocean

Émile Cohl

- Images through smoke.
Fantasia 2000, by Various at Disney
Th ewa y w ese e th ings is n 'tal way s th e wa y t hin gsa re. So met imes wene ed toad ju st to adif fer ent kin dof m inds eta sw haty ous e ei snot alwa y swha ty oug etin life.

Raoul Servais

- Chains of nature, devoured.
Black Orpheus, by Marcel Camus
Sometimes your eyes are sold out to the devil, The devil needs them to see the light, So that he can find darkness. Sometimes your tongue is sold out to the devil, The devil needs it to taste the sweet, So that he can remain bitter. Sometimes your heart is sold out to the devil, The devil needs it to feel the warmth, So that he can catch the cold. Sometimes your head is sold out to the devil, And that devil is you.