Top 1000 Short Films

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Cinecouch's Favorite

Castro Street

Bruce Baillie

Castro Street
1966|USA|10 min|Col|Live Action

- The old place, tainted and minted.

Experimental/Abstract Visualism
, by

Always after me
	Those lunatics
		Street after street
			This is not politics
Where to go from
	Where to go to
		Your own living space
			Left up and right
Just one more block
	You tell yourself
		This is the last house/You might as well go in


Cinecouch's Essential Films
Cinecouch's Favorite

A Grand Day Out with Wallace and Gromit

Nick Park

A Grand Day Out
1989|UK|23 min|Col|Animation

- Chef's natural kitchen, raw and spicy.

Sci-fi Adventure/Comedy
, by

Life is too often too busy
		For you
				To see
You are busy for

But you just continue
		As if
				Everyone else
Pretends they are on vacation.


Annecy 100


Christoph Lauenstein, Wolfgang Lauenstein

1989|West Germany|7 min|BW|Animation

- Essence of nature devours every human desire.

, by

I am too tired to write/It's comfortable on the bed
	Cold/Warm breast
		Should be enough/Too much distraction
	But I can go on/And I go on anyway
No break of streak/Short nap is healthy
		It suddenly comes up/Oh, I'm back
	On the track/Off my brain
		The light of the day/lights of night
			Hit me through a glass/door
Then it feels too fast/But I enjoyed it


Brief Encounters

The Immigrant

Charles Chaplin

The Immigrant
1917|USA|20 min|BW|Live Action

- The champ(tramp) who knows how to tip.

Comedy/Social Satire
, by

	Help Wanted:
	   18 - 22
	 5'7 to 5'10
	No idea what goes a pip
	  Knows how to tip
	    Is ready to get some flip


Cinecouch's Essential Films

The Spider and the Tulip
(Kumo to chûrippu)

Kenzo Masaoka

The Spider and the Tulip
1943|Japan|16 min|BW|Animation

- Earthly delight in black and white.

Adventure/Fantasy/Early Anime
, by

Picnic when there are no people,
	The foods are enjoying themselves,
	The water is drinking itself,
	The grass is stepping on itself,
	The ladybug is eating itself,
	The plant is juicing itself,
	The sands are sliding,
			Over a pond,
				Into the river.
Picnic when there are no people,
	Everything goes a long way.


Brief Encounters
Cinecouch's Essential Films

The Seahorse

Jean Painlevé

1934|France|15 min|BW|Live Action

- The far-away world brought close.

Avant-garde/Scientific Documentary
, by

The pregnant woman is falling off a cliff!

	Baby horse-back should never be ridden backwards.
		See how she's getting her way back to the top?
			Four makes a great picnic day.


Cinecouch's Favorite

Rhapsody in Blue

Eric Goldberg

Rhapsody in Blue
2000|USA|12 min|Col|Animation

- The dots among us.

Social Satire/Visual Music
, by

		She's looking at the wrong direction
		He's standing at the intersection
		She's turning away her affection
		He's losing his connection
		She's making some correction
		He's looking for some selection
		She's ready for some injection
		He's about to make a projection


Brief Encounters

Now You Tell One

Charles Bowers

Now You Tell One
1926|USA|20 min|BW|Live Action

- I traded my mom for this DVD.

Black Comedy/Social Satire
Big Fish, by Tim Burton

Those pants are too big,
	Says the Lady,
		I tell her,
			It doesn't matter,
				I'm not going to wear them
she asks if she could borrow them,
	I look at her,
		From top to bottom,
			And feel quite luck,
				For shopping early in the morning.


Cinecouch's Favorite


Bruce Conner

1976|USA|36 min|BW|Live Action

- Frying mushrooms.

The Atomic Cafe, by J. Loader, K. Rafferty, P. Rafferty

Everybody sings in-the-mor-ning.
Everybody sings in-the-mor-ning,
	Like a fish with wings
	Like wings with a fish
Everybody sings in-the-mor-ning.
Everybody sings in-the-mor-ning,
	But who goes on top
	But who sits on bottom
Everybody sings in-the-mor-ning.
Everybody sings in-the-mor-ning,
	And that after-noon never comes


Cinecouch's Essential Films
Cinecouch's Favorite

Black Ice

Stan Brakhage

Black Ice
1994|USA|2 min|Col|Paint-on-Film

- The veins of crystal ice.

Experimental/Abstract Visualism
, by

eyes don't go to sleep when it's dark

for they see the night,
				when everyone else is blind.