On-the-Verge Top 50 Films

Woman of Tokyo
(Tokyo no onna)
Yasujiro Ozu

- Small world, isn't it big enough for love?
Dramatic Realism/Romance
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She walks out of a clothing shop, After a sudden stop, Turns to the direction, Where my hat gently dropped. No words are in the air, She smiles and swings her hair. It occurs faster than a blink, That my head starts to wink. Lights are still on, But she has already moved on, Before my hat could hop on.

The Steamroller and the Violin
(Katok i skripka)
Andrei Tarkovsky

- The heavyweight and the light-hearted.
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The top kept on spinning, Where to? Asked the man. At your foot, At your wheel. The bottom kept on rotating, What for? Asked the kid, On your toes, On your bow. The noise and melody of life, Are such inseparable harmonies, From your heart, To your heart.

Melody of the World
(Melodie der Welt)
Walter Ruttmann

- The connection that transcends region, religion, culture and age.
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A wonder ful Move yo ur feet Up and Do wn Your body a long With someone a round you Qu ick The fleeting plea sure Of living the rhy thm When no body is wat ching

Death in the Seine
Peter Greenaway

- Epitaph written in water.
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The fish smells like dead people, expired. The bodies on the river, floated. The dog that barks at people, whipped. The man who stands by the water, jumped. The woman who screams, fainted. The doctor arrives, shocked. Man and woman, dead. Fish and dog, dead. Four bodies, canned. Three bodies, wrapped. Two bodies, burned. One city, closed.

The Old Place
Jean-Luc Godard, Anne-Marie Miéville

- The mist of cinema.
Documentary/Essay Film
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Coming home to see the ruins of childhood ...nothing to see ...except... ...some scattering of blackwood All is memory ...wrong ...too often... Ask to borrow ...a part of your own history ...from whom...? Oh your old place...your old place...

Suzanne's Career
(La carrière de Suzanne)
Eric Rohmer

- Never assume too much, it's life.
Romance/New Wave
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She is always there, always there, always on time, always smiling, always laughing, always looking at you, always keeping her lips wet, always wearing the dress you gave her, always saying she could never find someone like you, You were slow, So always is just never.

Otar Iosseliani

- When trees meet flowers.
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Heading into the sweet season... One Two Three Four Shhhh... Lovers heading into Aprils... On.. Tw.. Th.. Fo..

The Koumiko Mystery
(Le mystère Koumiko)
Chris Marker

- The marker of beauty.
Personal Documentary/Avant-garde
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Window shopping becomes a habit, that you can't get rid of at the right time. Shop for a kid, don't tell him what you did. Shop for a dress, like a game of guess. Shop for a leg, too long for a gag. Ah, you are tired. Sometimes it does pay, to shop for your day.

Not Reconciled
(Nicht versöhnt oder Es hilft nur Gewalt wo Gewalt herrscht)
Jean-Marie Straub

- The dry spell of post-war politics.
Political Drama/Memoir
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Dry Blackened shrimp Served at dinner Dry Darkened Face Hit the mouth with a quiver The governor has lifted his lid The smell of burning corpse The lingering desire of an extinct act He takes a small bite Then signs the bill before night