La vie noire
No way out. No way in.
Film List
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Life of Oharu
1952|136min|Kenji Mizoguchi|Japan|B&W
- The curse of a blessing.
Through a Glass Darkly
1961|89min|Ingmar Bergman|Sweden|B&W
- A short day turns into a long night.
Veronika Voss
1982|104min|Rainer Werner Fassbinder|West Germany|B&W
- In looking straight ahead, she sees the back of her own head.
1967|81min|Robert Bresson|France|B&W
- When shadows fall.
Los olvidados
1950|80min|Luis Buñuel|Mexico|B&W
- Let shadows fall.
1950|88min|Akira Kurosawa|Japan|B&W
- Faces of ego.
1962|133min|Masaki Kobayashi|Japan|B&W
- Life is a one-way-street.
I Am a Fugitive from a Chain Gang
1932|92min|Mervyn LeRoy|USA|B&W
- The invisible chains of real crime.
1961|117min|Pier Paolo Pasolini|Italy|B&W
- To pimp is human.
In Cold Blood
1967|134min|Richard Brooks|USA|B&W
- The fear of one-self.